Friday, October 29, 2010

Up for a Long Holiday!

Yiiiippppeeeee! Another long holiday for government employees and private workers as well.  Hiya! Everybody is filling a long exodus to the province whence to visit or pay tribute to their beloved love ones who either left them with sweet memories or unbearable sadness.

My family plans to visit Matthew (my deceased son) at Malabon City cemetery where his tomb is located.  After that, Betty and Joaqs are joining the costume party at SM San Lazaro wherein they lost last year.  Now, their dress theme for the party is much appropriate.  I feel this heebie-jeebie feelings while my kids are competing because I don't want them to lose.  But I know they will learn from their failures.  Hopefully they will get a prize this year.

I'm glad that office work is over this week and the pressures suddenly stopped.  I am looking forward to a very relaxing weekend.

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