Thursday, February 26, 2015

Longest Travel Ever!

Yesterday's morning travel was such a big disappointment. To those who could relate - I hit the road at 6:30 a.m. expecting that I will reach the office in an hour or two, however, it took me more than 4 hours to do it. If you could just imagine the pain I endured during that longest hours of my life. I was in an overcrowded van where most of the passengers' phones were ringing at the same time, everybody was talking at the same time, and suddenly the vehicle's fan broke down! It was so frustrating.

What I was worried about during that time was the submission I have to make for I was given a deadline - February 25, 2015, 12:00 noon, and where was I at 10:46 a.m.? Still at San Juan to whom our driver brought us to - to get away with the traffic, but still were caught on a jam.

The good thing about the situation was that I had things in my backpack (biscuits, water, an extra shirt, etc.) that somewhat eased the tension of waiting. Likewise, I was able to read the book written by Lynn Truss "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" about her zero tolerance approach to punctuation. The importance of being prepared came out unexpectedly, I also realized that I have to be physically fit to avoid physical exhaustion. By the way, if you're looking for workout clothes, check out the range of sportswear at ZALORA.

Isn't it burdensome for employees of the National Capital Region to go to work (on a supposed holiday) only to realize that the major roads were closed?


Unknown said...

nice one sir asi...indeed we faced simple problems in our daily life but what make us survive is the way how we look things be always ready and calm the moment we are in that situation...

joselasi said...

Thanks for you comment Sir Roy.