Friday, January 13, 2012

Lightning Strikes Twice!

I, for the 2nd time, attended the toastmasters meeting (as guest) at the Casino Espanol de Manila and I was assigned a table topic, "Good wine needs no bush," a statement made by William Shakespeare.  Like in my previous recital I self-destruct.  I couldn't say longer sentences but a simple, "I can compare wine to purity..." I couldn't see the relevance of the statement I just chided.  Then, followed it up with, "The wine gets better as it is tested by time..." then a prolong stop... Why? o Why I was assigned a difficult task wherein I can't regroup words.  I felt that I have been universally mocked for my statements.  As a newbie, I just hope that Manila Bay Toastmasters club members won't disown me due to my fear of talking in front of people that I really don't know.

Twice I was tested and twice I failed.

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