Friday, November 7, 2008

First Time Father

It was 2:30 a.m. and I was in the middle of my sleep...a pushed on my left abdomen and a sound of help from my wife woke me up. Her face told some worries. As I looked on our bed sheet I saw some water and felt that it was wet. The water, to my amazement, came from my wife's body whom at that time was on the last period of here pregnancy. Like a prince who wanted to help her damsel in distress, I immediately stood and gave her some assistance.

As I conducted a bodily search on her, she commented that she felt no pain. She's just uncomfortable due to continuous flowing of liquid from her body. I comforted her, clip her into my arms and told her that everything would be fine. I accompanied her to the comfort room and after that we went back to our room to sleep. But my sleep was short-lived...another shout from my wife woke me up. She said the she was able to talk to her OB-Gyne and was ordered to immediately go to the hospital!

After packing things and taking a bath, we rushed to the hospital. We have some conversation inside the taxi and were joking that maybe it's her due to give birth. and not on the next 3-weeks as scheduled by the OB-Gyne.

At the hospital, my wife was interviewed and then was instructed to go to the delivery room. What?

We were gifted with a boy that day but he suffered some complications (weak lungs, etc.) and sixteen days after his birth he died at the hospital's intensive care unit NICU.)


The scene above happened seven years ago and this day is, actually, his 7th year death anniversary. Due to my immaturity, carelessness, and unpreparedness...I missed the chance to experience how it is to be a "first time father." My son, wherever you are now, I would like to say these words "I LOVE YOU."

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